Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Custard Apple IceCream

Custard apple is one of the fruit which i never ever dared to try untill recently..That gooey pulp,the way other kids use to have it always made me feel yukk in childhood days..You wouldn't believe that i never even allowed to have this fruit to my sisters too !!!
During my Mumbai days my friend made me try Natural's Sitafal Flavor..I fell in love with that! but fruits was still big No !

BUT... recently again this fruit came in my like in form of prasaad ! Now as it was prasaad,i cant just discard..Mom took advantage of that n said,just try once,it taste really good.Well i tried a flack n was shocked with the flavor....Alas! I didn't even knew what i was missing till now in life ;)

This fruit is so so sweet in taste..So,no need to add any sugar(or very less) if using this in any dessert..Which makes it even more dear to me :P
This time i tried my hands on Ice-Cream with this and...WHAT ICE CREAM !!! :D i fell in love with myself for full day.. ;) and i couldn't believe that its sosososo simple to make and above that  it taste exactly like Natural's ! Even Pankaj loved it (person with smallest sweet tooth) which means its huge hit to me.:D


1 Cup Custard Apple Pulp
1 Cup Heavy Cream
1/4 Cup Condensed Milk
1/4 tsp Vanila/mix fruit Essence (optional)


  • Whip the cream till soft peak.Add in pulp,condensed milk and essence.Mix well.
  • Transfer in bowl with lid.Close the lid and Freeze.
  • Keep mixing it using a fork after every 30-40 minutes.(2-3 time)
  • Let it set.Enjoy !

# All ingredients can be simply mixed in blender and freeze.It will yield the same taste but texture will be heavy.
## Nuts can be added.
### I like chunks of custard apple in my ice cream..if u don.t like,just blend it.

1 comment:

  1. Very true dear!! I don’t like apple and never tried custard apple too. Well as you have shared here that its tasty recipe and you fell in love with this recipe, then I am sure I will also like it. Share some cooking tips online so that I can make this dish in best way.
